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Salvador Allende Biography

Salvador Allende Gossens was the thirty-second President of Chile who served from 197 until 1973. He was a socialist and doctor by profession. He made history as the first Marxist president who came into power democratically in America; a thing that made his name both loved at home as well as hated globally due to controversies surrounding him. Despite having great aspirations of having many social programs and economic reforms done when he was elected into office; his rule was ended abruptly after there was a military coup d’etat against him.

Early life and education

Salvador Allende, who was born on June 26th, 1908 in Valparaíso, Chile, came from a family that was known in this nation. He belonged to a famous family in this country. His interest in politics characterized him at an early age followed by his desire to fight for justice issues within the same lines. This is because after graduating high school; the young man decided to enroll at the University Of Chile where he took up medicine as his coursework. He later graduated from this institution with a Bachelor Of Medicine in 1933.

Political career

Getting down into politics came naturally, especially with Salvador’s involvement in the Socialist Party during the early 193s period. He quickly grew within ranks thereby becoming one of the most recognizable faces among politicians within Chilean boundaries. At some point in 1945, Allende got himself elected into the Latin American Assembly and later served as the Health Minister.

Presidential Campaigns

Allende’s ambitions were not solely limited to a seat in the Senate but he also harbored a bigger dream of becoming the country’s president at one point or another. He first ran for president in 1958 but lost to Jorge Alessandri. After another attempt in 1964 which brought about no success whatsoever, his perseverance finally saw him through when he got elected president in 1970. This made him the very first Marxist head of state within Americas.

Presidency and Reforms

One of Allende’s most significant features during his presidency was that he made sure social justice and economic reforms were taking place; especially through nationalizing key industries like copper among others and introducing land reforms meant to cut down on the existing disparities. However, while these policies were popular among many Chileans they still faced opposition from both domestic conservatives and foreign powers.

1973 Coup d’État

Tensions between Allende’s government and its opponents had been escalating as time went on. Allende’s government was overthrown by a military coup d’état under General Augusto Pinochet in September 1973. During the course of this coup, Allende lost his life while Pinochet went ahead and established an authoritarian regime that lasted for 15 years.


Salvador Allende had a controversial legacy up to date. His proponents gazetted him as a hero of liberty and fairness while his opponents claimed that he had brought about economic turmoil leading subsequently to the military overthrow. Even though his presidency was marred by controversies; he remains significant in the history of Chile and his influence on the nation’s politics cannot be underestimated.


Salvador Allende aimed at making Chile a more just and egalitarian society. He met many challenges in his governance; nonetheless, he stuck to his principles. Consequently, though he did not live long enough to complete his term in office; there are still many people from across the globe who regard him as an inspiration today.

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